[DLD Diagnostika] 1-Methylhistamine (N-Methylhistamine) - ELISA

등록일2024. 07. 01
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[DLD Diagnostika] 1-Methylhistamine (N-Methylhistamine) - ELISA

[DLD Diagnostika] ELISA

어스바이오는 DLD Diagnostika 한국 공식 대리점으로서 모든 제품을 전문적으로 취급 및 공급하고 있습니다.
DLD Diagnostika의 ELISA을 소개드립니다.

[DLD Diagnostika] 1-Methylhistamine (N-Methylhistamine)


Product Information

Catalog#: EA208/96

  • Competitive ELISA
  • 96 Determinations
  • Microtiter plate with 12 single break apart 8 well strips
  • Storage at 2-8°C, Transport at ambient temperature
  • 6 standards, ready for use: 0 (0); 10 (80); 30 (240); 100 (800); 300 (2400); 1000 (8000) ng/ml (nmol/l)
  • 2 positive controls, ready for use

Clinical Fields: Allergology, Pharmacology

Diseases: see Instructions for Use

Normal Value:
Urine, 24h < 250 μg/day
Urine, spontaneous 30 - 200 μg/g Creatinine



Substance Cross Reactivity [%]
1-Methylhistamine 100
Histamine <0.7
3-Methylhistamine <0.007
1-Methyl-4-imidazole-acetic acid <0.0025
Imidazole-4-acetic acid <0.007
L-Histidine <0.0025

  • Correlation LC/MS R=0.993 (n=32)
  • Extended standard range enables the measurement of healthy and pathological
  • samples without pre-dilution
  • Shelf life of up to 24 months
  • No known interference with drugs
  • Highly sensitive and specific antibodies with very low cross-reactivity
  • Produced in DIN EN ISO 13485-certified facility in Germany
  • EU: CE-certified IVD; non-EU: RUO

어스바이오(USBIO)는 DLD Diagnostika 공식 대리점입니다.
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Tel : 02-862-2816 / email : bio@usbio.co.kr
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